JBoss and Spam

I recieved my JBoss book on Saturday. It is an O'Reilly book and covers using JBoss for Servlets, EJBs and xDoclet. I don't understand why you would want to use JBoss for Servlets as it is over-kill when Tomcat can be used but after a brief look at the book it seems that you incorporate Tomcat in JBoss for this purpose like you include Tomcat in Apache if you were using a live system. At the moment I have just been setting up my envirnoment on my linux box. I know there is a JBoss Eclipse IDE plugin which I have on my windows box but at the moment I aim to copy the book.
I noticed on one of my domain name's that I use now mainly for email that I am getting loads of spam. I think some spammers just hunt for domain names that are in use and just spam anything there. At the moment the most spam seems to becoming via China. It is pointless sending it to me as the addresses use for the spam don't correspond to any used email address, so my spam filter catches it all.
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