anonymous tech woman

Yet another woman in technology blog. I'm actually a developer who uses a variety of Java and database technologies on a variety of platforms.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Necessary Skills

I keep reading articles like this one and this one on lifeskills that people hope their children would learn. What is interesting is that meeting and working with different software developers, project manager, support personnel, systems administrators and testers is that the people who have better interpersonal skills did not have their career focused at working in IT from a young age but at a board range of things. Yet I keep reading articles from e-skills that want to force young people down a specialise track from the age of 14. While e-skills are an employer based organisation they should recognise that some of their best technical employees on different levels started in IT much later in their career.

By the way I keep getting distracted by gardening and DIY which is why I'm not writing so much.

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